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"Hey 2020, We Need To Talk, I'm Breaking Up With You..."

It’s not you, it’s me.

Many of us remember this famous breakup line that George Costanza used on Seinfeld.

Well, I’m borrowing it for my breakup with 2020. I had such high hopes about our relationship. I believed you would be the best year of my life.

Our relationship changed almost instantly, overnight it seemed. One minute we were having a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner and not two weeks later, I was held hostage at home.

What happened?

I believed you would be my year in shining armor. What I got was a pile of rusty nails. You definitely misrepresented yourself and now I feel trapped. I’m disheartened you won’t allow me to hang with my family and friends. In fact, you feel the need to prescribe exactly how and when I should interact with my family and friends. Furthermore, you instigate arguments with my loved ones all the time about politics and masks yet censor any opinions I have in those discussions. You haven’t provided me with the most basic of living necessities, like toilet paper.

Read the rest of the article starting on page 92 in Deserve Magazine

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