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The Reverence In The Severance

Ending anything is one of the most difficult things to experience… even if you want it to end. Why? Because every ending gives rise to a new beginning, which is the unknown and the unknown is THE most terrifying emotion.

People choose abuse, poverty, and substandard healthcare because change is so difficult. We’ve all heard the phrase “The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t.” Because we fear the unknown, uncharted waters, we continue a path with relationships which no longer serve us. Relationships with friends, healthcare providers, banks and financial professionals and even homes. This leads to the single biggest regret people have on their deathbed…not changing “something” when they had the chance.

So why is the “resistance to change” phenomena so common? Most of us never had to choose anything, ever, until we reached our retired-ish years.

Choice is so foreign to us that we would rather settle for status quo and not “upset the apple cart” then take a chance and make a change. We stay in marriages and friendships that no longer bring us joy. We allowed friendships that did bring us joy to dwindle. We continue with our healthcare teams because it is too much of a hassle to have everything transferred to a new and unknown provider. We stay with the same financial team using the same strategies in the growth phase of our financial life, and we live in the same home that may be way too big or difficult to navigate stairs or just requires so much upkeep we are no longer willing or able to do. 

Continue reading this article starting on page 25 from Deserve Magazine

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